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Sat, Mar

AGRI-PULSE - RUSTENBURG - Die Tuzo het sy oorsprong in Japan en is ‘n Asiatiese hardeveer- en ‘n skaars, egte bantam, veghoenderras. Die Tuzo lê wit of gespikkelde eiers. Die hane weeg 1,3 tot 1,5kg en die henne 1,0 tot 1,2kg en is ‘n klein Shamo-tipe ras.
Die Tuzo is klein en elegant wat redelik regop vertoon, die liggaam is hard en gespierd, breed voor, maar word smaller na die stertkant toe.

Read more …Tuzo – merkwaardige hoenderras

by Elizabeth Ralefatane

AGRI-PULSE - RUSTENBURG - Even though agriculture plays a crucial role in South Africa’s economy and food security, women continue to face systemic barriers that limit their participation and hinder their ability to thrive in this sector.                                                                              
Women contribute to agriculture in rural communities, especially in developing countries, but culture, traditions, and biases are standing in their way, preventing women from gaining access to land ownership, resources, funding, and positions of power.  

Read more …Gender biases in agriculture - holding the industry back

AGRI-PULSE – RUSTENBURG – Die voormalige minister van Bosbou, Vissery en Omgewingsake, me Barbara Creecy, het onlangs ‘n kennisgewing in die regering se Gazette gepubliseer waarin die die publiek gevra word vir kommentaar aangaande die Biodiversiteitsbestuurplan vir wit en swart renosters in Suid-Afrika. Dié is in terme van afdeling 46 van die Nasionale Omgewingsbestuur: Biodiversiteitswet, 2004 (Wet nr 10 van 2004).

Read more …Renosterstroping – publieke kommentaar aangevra

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